1. Wash, dry, and put away all dishes and utensils used. 
  2. Wipe off counters, tables, and kitchen areas used.
  3. Remove any trash and take to dumpster.  Replace the bag in the trash can if needed.
  4. Sweep and clean any spills on floors (mop/bucket/broom in kitchen). 
  5. Place tables and chairs back into proper areas.  Three or four tables with chairs are to remain set up for our residents who play cards or games.
  6. Set temperature to 77 degrees68 in winter–if changed.
  7. Check bathrooms for cleanliness.
  8. Doors are not to be propped open with rocks.  Owners shouldn’t have to pay to heat and cool the outdoors!
  9. Turn off all lights.
10. Make sure the door is locked! 

(If you see any water on the floor –such as leaks around the doors– please be neighborly and mop it up and then report it to the ARC Committee)

(Copies of this will be placed in the clubhouse)

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