Blue Heron has recently signed a new contract with Republic Services for trash collection, and there is an important change by Republic.  They informed us that they have installed an electronic monitor on their pickup vehicle that shoots a laser across the top of the dumpster that will detect if there is garbage mounded over the top. If the trash is piled above the top, we will then be charged an additional fee. This makes it even more important that everyone break down their boxes before putting them in the dumpster and to also be sure and throw your trash bags as far to the back of the dumpster as you can, so there are no spaces and more trash can be added to each dumpster.

So please, all residents, do your part to help keep our trash disposal cost down.


  • Equipment Base Rate:  2 containers  @ 970.03 per month  (no change)
  • Frequency: 2 pickups/week  (no change)
  • Total Fuel/Enviornmental Recovery Fees 401.98  (Variable charge that changes monthly)
  • Estimated Monthly Amount 970.03 + 401.98 + 5.95 (Admin. Fee–varies monthly)  =  $1377.96/month
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